
Jak snáze prodat řešení pro analýzu dat s využitím Clever Doer map?

Prodávat analytická řešení není snadné. Ať jste jejich dodavatel nebo někdo ve firmě, kdo je chce používat. Všichni chtějí využít data pro získání konkureční výhody. Rázem je ale vše složitější, když se má otevřít peněženka. Koncept CleverDoer map štastnou shodou okolností pomůže jak při budování takových řešení, tak při jejich prodeji.

How does CleverDoer help you to explore of your data efficiently?

BI folks repeat it over and over again: "We have done so marvelous dashboards, but (stupid) business users want the export to Excel". With no effort spent to understand the reason of that. What has to change?

CleverDoer - Explore The Power of Data and Actions Together - (CZ comments)

No report earned a penny. The action does. Let us show you how to turn your data into actions leading to goals and improve that competency continuously.

"How can be our municipality managed better?" - CleverDoer Usage Example

Let us imagine that you are the  major, councillor or citizen  of the municipality. And you have many questions in your head... So how to find the answers for them? The first step is to  join together: Goals  - What is our key goal and how can we decompose it into the smaller one? Actions  - Which actions types and particular actions leading to goals can be done upon the available data? Data  - Which data are available for that and which more useful views can be built upon them? How could the map of joined goals, actions and data look like? OK, great, we have the map. It is useful for capturing and sharing the know-how of turning data into actions leading to goals. But how to utilize it smoothly and efficiently in everyday practice? This is the job of  CleverDoer , the cloud service, which enables you to: connect it to your  reporting/analytical systems ,  connect it to your  systems used to distribution of tasks  - emails, sheets, ...

CleverDoer - Example: "How to increase our sales?"

Let us imagine that you are the sales director in B2B business . And you have many questions in your head... So how to find the answers for them? The first step is to find the journeys binding together : Goals - What is our key goal and how it can be decomposed to smaller one? Actions - Which types of actions and particular actions leading to goals can be done upon the available data? Data  - Which data are available for them and which more useful information can be built upon them? How can this look? OK, great, we have the map.  It is useful for capturing and sharing meaningful know-how. But how to utilize it in our business? This is the job of CleverDoer , the cloud service, which you: connect to your reporting/analytical systems ,  connect to your systems used to distribution of tasks - emails, sheets, whatever application or service,  let to define the ways how to transform report results into tasks . and it's do it - ad hoc or regularly, relentlessly. If we w...

How to capture the knowledge of turning data into actions leading to goals.

No report earned a penny. The actions did. Therefore the result of data analysis is NOT a long report nor a gorgeous dashboard BUT the actions leading to your goals.

Why CleverDoer is here

Billions of dollars have been spent for Analytical / Business intelligence solutions at large corporations and SME businesses in total.  Have they brought what had been expected? Do we utilize the potential of the technology? The frank answer is no. Not at all. Probably not from the half at least.